January 18, 2022 Meeting
Yorba Linda, Calif.- The following is a recap of the City Council meeting on Tuesday, January 18, 2022.
The Yorba Linda City Council:
- Introduced new staff member Austin Postovoit, Senior Management Analyst.
- Introduced new Police Services Captain Joses Walehwa.
- Received an update on the PFAS Water Treatment Plant by Yorba Linda Water District Director Trudi Desroches.
- Approved the demolition permit request for 5335 Ohio Street.
- Allowed certain patio cover overhangs to be constructed and used within the City's Storm Drain easement at the subject address, and authorized the City Manager to execute the proposed Administrative Encroachment Agreement containing covenants affecting real property with the property owner at 21525 Dunrobin Way, Yorba Linda, CA.
- Adopted Resolution No. 2022-5780, declaring its intent to vacate a portion the landscape easement at 5851 Deerfoot Lane, and directed staff to require a release of liability agreement be executed by the property owner to allow the existing above grade irrigation lines to be left in place. The City Council also set February 15, 2022, as the Public Hearing date for the vacation process.
- Authorized the City Manager to execute a Letter of Intent (LOI) with ForeFront Power to explore the feasibility and cost effectiveness of installing solar canopies at various City facilities.
- Adopted Resolution No. 2022-5779 authorizing teleconferenced meetings pursuant to the requirement of AB 361.
- Received and filed the report of Planning Commission actions from their last meeting.
- Received and filed Council committee and agency reports.
- Introduced Ordinance No. 2022-1089 for first reading for Zoning Code Amendment ZCA 2021-01 to add regulations to Chapter 18.20 of the Yorba Linda Zoning Code related to Senate Bill 9 housing developments and urban lot splits.
The meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m. to the next City Council meeting on February 1, 2022 at 6:30 p.m.
NOTE: Council Recaps briefly summarize and highlight topics from the City Council Meeting agenda. This recap is provided by City staff as a public service and is not an official record of Council action. The official record of approved minutes from the January 18, 2022 meeting will be approved at the February 1, 2022 meeting and will be available for viewing thereafter.
- View the entire January 18, 2022 agenda.
- Approved Meeting Minutes can be accessed on the Agendas and Minutes page once available.