New California Laws 2025: Part 5
Sacramento, Calif.- Part 5 in New California Laws for 2025 includes laws currently chaptered in Sacramento during the 2023-24 legislative session. This installment includes laws on estates, health care coverage, substance abuse and more.
For full and specific text details and authorship regarding laws and the effective dates, please click on the bill number below for access to the California Legislature official releases.
New California Laws 2025 (part 5)
AB-2015 | Nursing schools and programs: faculty members, directors, and assistant directors. |
AB-2016 | Decedents' estates. |
AB-2017 | Banks and credit unions: nonsufficient funds fees. |
AB-2018 | Controlled substances: fenfluramine. |
AB-2020 | Survivors of Human Trafficking Support Act. |
AB-2021 | Crimes: selling or furnishing tobacco or related products and paraphernalia to underage persons. |
AB-2023 | Housing element: inventory of land: substantial compliance: rebuttable presumptions. |
AB-2024 | Domestic violence: restraining orders. |
AB-2032 | Tribal gaming: compact ratification. |
AB-2033 | Public postsecondary education: electronic benefits transfer cards: basic needs services and resources. |
AB-2037 | Weights and measures: electric vehicle chargers. |
AB-2041 | Political Reform Act of 1974: campaign funds: security expenses. |
AB-2046 | Educational programs: single gender schools and classes. |
AB-2047 | Public postsecondary education: discrimination prevention. |
AB-2048 | Community colleges: systemic campus reforms: sexual harassment: report. |
AB-2049 | Motions for summary judgment: filing deadlines. |
AB-2053 | Pupil instruction: abusive relationships. |
AB-2057 | Associate Degree for Transfer. |
AB-2062 | Credit unions. |
AB-2063 | Health care coverage. |
AB-2067 | Financial institutions: service of process. |
AB-2068 | State agencies: call center work: reporting information. |
AB-2069 | Sale of soju and shochu. |
AB-2072 | Group health care coverage: biomedical industry. |
AB-2073 | Physical education courses: alternate term schedules. |
AB-2074 | Pupil instruction: English Learner Roadmap Policy: statewide implementation plan. |
AB-2080 | University of California: schools of medicine: report. |
AB-2081 | Substance abuse: recovery and treatment programs. |
AB-2082 | State highways: State Route 138: reduction. |
AB-2085 | Planning and zoning: permitted use: community clinic. |
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